Welcome to Mulberry Foster Care.
We have been social workers for over 20 years and we understand how the role of fostering can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Our foster carers feedback that they would not have this any other way as the rewards far out way the challenges. Seeing a child become confident, learn to trust others and gain love for themselves is what being a foster carer is all about.
Mulberry Foster Care have provided care for children including sibling groups, children with disability’s, children who display sexualised behaviour, those with challenging behaviour, mental health issues and attachment disorders. Each child is unique and brings something different to your family – humour and thick skin are essential, as are understanding, compassion and ‘stickability’. Children can test you but making it through those difficult periods is worth all the effort. One of our social workers would be happy to talk through any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Become a foster carer today
Explore Mullbery Foster Care with us!
Why Mulberry Foster Care?
Experienced and Supportive Team
At Mulberry Foster Care, our highly experienced team understands the needs of foster carers. The team has previously managed residential homes and worked in various roles covering youth offending, child protection, learning disabilities, and mental health. This insight enables them to offer practical advice and support to foster carers, including regular supervision, 24-hour telephone support, training, support groups, and membership to fostering networks.
Providing Safe and Caring Homes
Mulberry Foster Care aims to provide every looked after child with a safe, caring, and supportive family home. We offer different types of placements based on the needs of the child and encourage people from all backgrounds to consider whether they have something to offer. We want their service to in-still confidence in everyone involved in the young person's life, regardless of the length of involvement.
Rewards Outweigh the Challenges
Although fostering can be hard work, Mulberry Foster Care's carers find the rewards far outweigh the challenges. We provide care, love, and family to some of the most complex and challenging young people in society, and we do it well. The carers see firsthand how children become confident, learn to trust others, and gain love for themselves. Being a foster carer is incredibly rewarding, and Mulberry Foster Care is committed to supporting their carers throughout their journey.
We want all children to achieve their potential and develop into happy, confident young people.
We work with carers and other professionals to help all children achieve their potential and develop into happy, confident young people. We want every child placed with us to be healthy, safe and have opportunities to make positive contributions to their community.
We want our service to be individual and celebrate diversity; our children come from a wide range of backgrounds so we think our carers should too. Whether you are male or female or in a relationship or single, heterosexual or gay, parents or not, we want to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more about Mulberry Foster Care.
Mulberry Foster Care views our Foster Carers as professionals and as such, we provide a comprehensive support package. Fostering is a difficult and demanding career so this is reflected in the allowance you will be given when you have a child in placement.
Speak to our team
Can I foster?
Mulberry Foster Care is an inclusive agency which means we welcome applications from people regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation or disability status, however, there are a few minimum requirements that everyone must meet...
You will need...
- To be age 21 or over
- A spare bedroom that can be used solely for fostering
- To be willing to make the necessary changes to your family routine/life
- British citizenship or have the right to live in the UK
- Life experience that can be used to support young people
- An ability to work in partnership with different professionals
- Be honest and able to work through disagreements/difficulties
- Have patience, resilience and a sense of humour
- Be able to take advice and work with set plans
- A commitment to working in partnership with the child's birth family
- A commitment to attend ongoing training, learning and events at our office

Make a difference in a child's life and become a foster carer
Quite simply there is no "ideal type" of foster carer. Here at Mulberry Foster Care, we welcome foster carers from all backgrounds and support them through their journey. We look after you, so you can look after young people.
Speak to our team